A whole new world

Alright, day two! I'm going to try to be a little more linear in my thought process this time around, you got a bit of a thought-dump that first entry.  Day two started with a wonderful sunrise over Lake Arrowhead in Texas.  

After going on a short run, packing up camp, and showering, I was back on the road. The trip through Western Texas provided me with a bit more of the flat desert I had been imagining.  This time the surprise came in the fact that I actually enjoyed the desert and found it shockingly beautiful. Definitely not the same kind of beauty you find in Alaska or which I had recently encountered in the Gulf Coast, but a beauty all it's own.  

As I crossed into New Mexico I was informed that I had arrived in "The Land of Enchantment", I appreciated the heads-up. Each mesa that popped up added to my ever escalating excitement as I gawked in wonderment, or maybe enchantment, at this place that was unlike anything I had ever seen.  

The final portion of day two took me into the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque.  As Monkey Motion powered through the elevation gain I suddenly found myself in the midst of a snow storm!  It was quite a relief after having spent the previous day literally cooking inside the car. Monkey Motion proved quite adept at tackling the adverse conditions and I made it to my friends' house before roads and fellow travelers got too crazy.  

After only two days I think that I managed to travel to complete opposite of the Gulf Coast: snowing, 6,000 feet above sea level, and a desert.  I'm excited to spend a little more time exploring the desert and its unknown beauty.