Comfort Zone Found

 From the Redwoods, I cut inland through Oregon and met up with friends from home who are living in Corvallis, and then I headed northwest to the Olympic Peninsula.  I spent 3 nights camping in Olympic National Park at the Hole in the Wall backcountry site along the coast.  It was awesome.  The first night graced me with a gorgeous sunset without any rain! 


I spent my days mainly exploring tide pools and wandering the beaches.  No crazy hikes or destinations this time, just enjoying the beach. 


I had gained a reputation for bringing sunshine to everywhere that I visited, except for New Mexico that was a fluke, but my powers were no match for the laws of nature.  When you camp in a coastal rainforest, expecting only sunshine is nothing short of idiotic.  That being said, Mother Nature did grant me some favors and it never poured on me while I was exploring, only while I was sleeping.  My rain fly withstood the test admirably and I came out Sunday morning as dry and as warm as I had gone in Thursday night.


I quickly realized that this wet, cold place falls squarely within my comfort zone and I could not think of a better place to wrap up the solo portion of my trip.  That’s right folks; from here on out I will have a companion on this adventure!